P E R F O R M A N C E Opportunities

Each year there will be 1-2 studio recitals for students – one in the Spring, and sometimes in the late-fall. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their hard work! More information regarding the recital will be given out as it gets closer to the recital.

In the future there will be other chances for students to perform, including the Federation Festival and others. Usually this takes place in April, and students must be registered ahead of time in order to participate. This festival requires lots of practice!! Please ask me for more information if you think your student may be interested or ready to participate.

We will also have additional opportunities to perform in the community at churches, nursing homes, special events, etc.

Once per year there will be a master class - this usually includes topics that aren’t typically covered during normal lessons, such as song-writing, reading lead sheets, how to make practicing easy and effective, etc.