Philosophy of Teaching

My goal as a teacher is to cultivate an environment that gives each student an outstanding musical experience where students are able to become independent, critical, and creative thinkers, while also possessing technical accuracy. My goal is to empower each student to find their unique musical voice and embark on a fulfilling musical journey.

I believe that each person is individually creative and musical in his or her own way. Each person is unique, and it is my job as an educator to help cultivate this creativity while coming alongside each student in his or her musical journey. Most students that I come across will not become professional musicians. However, I do believe that through hard work and dedication, each and every human being can enjoy many rich, diverse, and meaningful musical experiences for a lifetime.

Technique is an absolute necessity. Learning to play correctly not only helps to create the proper sound from the instrument, but also without any pain or frustration while playing the piano so one is able to enjoy playing the instrument. As a beginning student, learning this can help to prevent problems later on. I have made it a commitment to discover the most relaxed and tension-free approach to playing the piano. This is essential as it is one of the the most important elements to playing and enjoying the piano for a lifetime. Teaching this to my students is absolutely critical.

All lessons taught are always prepared ahead of time each week, with carefully crafted lesson plans for each individual student, based on his or her own need and skill-level. As a teacher I am continually striving to provide a fun and friendly environment, while also implementing the proper foundation of technique exercises, music theory, history, scales, method books, and musical literature. Each of these elements are equally important, and when combined, they help to equip students with the tools they need to enjoy playing the piano longterm.

Contact me for a free, 15-minute meet-and-greet today!


Part of my job as a teacher is to also teach students how to practice. It is truly an art, and no person is born knowing how to do it. Once a student understands the art of practicing, piano truly becomes more enjoyable. Parent involvement is essential in this process, especially in the beginning stages, and if the student is a young child who is enrolled in piano lessons. Helping these students find a daily practice time, setting a timer, helping them follow their assignments, providing incentives, reminding them that hard work pays off... these are excellent ways to successful practice habits.

Each year there are 1-2 recitals -- one in the winter, and one in the spring. These are wonderful opportunities for students to showcase their hard work! Not everyone is required to perform in the recitals, but they are strongly encouraged.

Additionally, there are other performance opportunities such as in nursings homes, churches, fun family nights (karaoke style), Federation festival, etc.
